Saturday, March 17, 2012

5 year journal

Well, it appears that I am not so good at updating my journal everyday so I shall update it weekly. it seems easier to do it that way!

March 12th.
Are you happy?

March 13th.
How much "me" time did you take today?
All day! I'm not working and my husband is out of town so I spent the whole day doing what I want!

March 14th.
List 3 things you have faith in.
My abilities, my morals, humanity

March 15th.
Who is the last person you said "I love you" to?
My husband.

March 16th.
Did you seize any opprotunities?
I like to think that I always seize them. I moved to Mexico with almost zero notice, now I am observing classes even though I am not being paid simply to familiarize myself with the job.

March 17th.
Where did you go today?
Well... today so far I have gone from my bedroom to the living room, kitchen, bathroom.... Haven't left the house yet. I may go to parroquia for coffee shortly.

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