Friday, April 20, 2012

5 Year Journal

well I really suck at updating this thing. Right now I am happily celebrating 420 in the comfort of my home. Tomorrow I shall enjoy a nice long soak in my pool. Oh the hard life I lead!!
Well here we go, a bunch more days of my 5 year journal!

March 18th
What advice were you given?
today? Relax! Ever? you can only be yourself

March 19th
Today was .................. high..........

March 20th
What are you glad you did today?
I cleaned my pool!

March 21st
When was your last vacation? where did you go?
ummm Xalapa with galo about 2 months ago

March 22nd
The greatest wisdom comes from those who..... listen more than they speak.

March 23th
Who is your hero?
I´´m gonna say my mom

March 24th
Because she kicks ass!

March 25th
If you could have read one persons mind today, whose would it have been?
umm.... my husbands to see how his day is going at work

March 26th
What was the easiest thing about today?
everything. i´´m unemployed!

March 27th
Did you thank anyone today?

March 28th
Did you work hard today?

March 29th
What was in your mail box today?
I don´´t have a mailbox.....

March 30th
Today was a complete....... high day

March 31st
what are you seeking?
that which cannot be found!

April 1st
Did you make someone laugh today? Was it intentional?
nope, i didn´´t see anyone today

April 2nd
What makes you sad?
not working, uncared for children, lack of education about basic health, animal cruelty, abuse, addiction, young mothers, people with disabilities, pollution, people throwing garbage wherever they want, waste created by man, politics, religion....

April 3rd
was today typical? why or why not?
yup, i did nothing.

April 4th
Who do you trust the most?
Brandi, Iza and Dan

April 5th
What´´s your next major deadline? What´´s it for?
umm... right now nothing....

April 6th
What did you have for breakfast today?
i don´´t eat breakfast

April 7th
do you have any regrets today?
I don´´t believe in regrets

April 8th
how did you add art to your life today?
I didn´´t

April 9th
...............makes me happy

april 10th
What is the last time you danced?
in my house today while cleaning

April 11th
list the people you live with
Me, Galo, cat and dog

April 12th
what fears did you have today?
no fears, really relaxed

april 13th
What did you forget?
i ´dont remember

April 14th
What is your favorite Tv show?
i don´´t own a tv......

april 15th
i have faith that....................
everything will work out ok.

April 16th
who is the last person you kissed?
my husband.... and my cat.....

April 17th
What did you wear today?

April 18th
what is testing you?
the school is testing my patience

April 19th
what is the oldest thing you are wearing today?
my hair elastic....

April 20th
list 5 things you should have done today
1. get dressed
2. sweep
3. organize
4. shower
5. move my butt